【ORIGIN/ 生産国】
コロンビア/ ウィラ/ アセべド
【FARMER/ 農園者】
NICOLAS LEYTON FIESCO/ ニコラス レイトン フィエスコ
LOS ANGELES/ ロス アンヘレス
PAPAYO/ パパジョ種
【PROCESS/ 精製方法】
WASHED/ ウォッシュド
ニコラス・レイトンは、9 年以上の経験を持つ熱心なコーヒー栽培者です。継続的な改善を通じて、ニコラスは加工と発酵の技術を磨き、コーヒー品種“パパジョ”で顕著な成果を達成しました。
この地域とコーヒーとの関係は深く、情熱的です。約6,552人のコーヒー生産者と 14,485 ヘクタールのコーヒー農園があるアセベド市は、コーヒー生産の中心地です。山岳地形のあるこの肥沃な土地は、コロンビアのコーヒー生産を独自に豊かにする無数の品種と交雑種の発祥の地です。現在、アセベド市はコーヒーの世界の基準点であり、伝統が革新とコミュニティの献身と絡み合っている場所です。
現在、アセベド市ではその歴史に新たな章を刻み、自然の豊かさと比類のない品質のスペシャルティコーヒーを組み合わせた観光地へと変貌を遂げています。コロンビアの国立公園の中で最も古い“クエバ デ ロス グアチャロス国立公園”は、生物多様性が豊かで絶滅危惧種の生息地であるアンデスのジャングルを保存しています。アセベド地域には豊富な考古学遺産もあります。かつてアンダカ族が居住していたその岩面彫刻や岩の碑文は、私たちに先立った人々の物語を物語っています。これらのコロンビア以前の芸術作品は、アセベド市がコーヒーの中心地として繁栄した現在と過去を結びつけています。
Nicholas Leighton is a passionate coffee grower with over 9 years of experience. Through continuous improvement, Nicholas has honed his processing and fermentation techniques, achieving remarkable results with the coffee variety “Papayo”.
The city of Acevedo, Colombia, is located on the west side of the Eastern Cordillera, in the department of Huila. It is a special region with natural and cultural treasures, where an exciting coffee history is intertwined with the rich soil and the heritage of the place. Acevedo is famous as a center of high quality coffee, and a treasure trove of ecological and archaeological tourism.
The relationship between this region and coffee is deep and passionate. With about 6,552 coffee growers and 14,485 hectares of coffee plantations, the city of Acevedo is the heart of coffee production. This fertile land with mountainous terrain is the birthplace of countless varieties and hybrids that uniquely enrich Colombian coffee production. Today, the city of Acevedo is a reference point in the world of coffee, a place where tradition is intertwined with innovation and the dedication of the community.
Today, the city of Acevedo is writing a new chapter in its history, transforming into a tourist destination that combines the richness of nature with the unparalleled quality of specialty coffee. The oldest of Colombia's national parks, the Cueva de los Guacharros National Park, preserves the Andean jungle, rich in biodiversity and home to endangered species. The Acevedo region also has a rich archaeological heritage. Once inhabited by the Andacan people, its petroglyphs and rock inscriptions tell the stories of the people who came before us. These pre-Colombian works of art connect the present with the past, when the city of Acevedo flourished as a coffee center.
About the Papayo variety
Papayo is an Arabica variety that emerged due to a natural genetic mutation on a farm in the Huila department in southwestern Colombia. Initially, it was thought to be a mutation of Bourbon, but research has revealed a genetic relationship with a landrace from Ethiopia. Its exact origin remains a mystery and is still under investigation.
This variety is mainly cultivated in the Huila department and is divided into three subspecies adapted to different altitudes, from 1400 meters to 2000 meters above sea level. Papayo is characterized by its distinctive cherry shape, reminiscent of the papaya fruit, adding a unique visual appeal. In addition, the Papayo tree has long branches and thick leaves.